Should I Buy a Monopod?

This photo was taken from the top of Rockefeller Center in New York, where they DO NOT allow tripods, but they DO allow monopods.

A question I receive from time to time is whether it is worth it to buy a monopod. Many serious photographers use them, and they do provide support and stabilization while you are shooting. On the other hand, monopods limit your movements and do not provide anywhere near the stabilization of a tripod. So, should you… Continue reading Should I Buy a Monopod?

Is Full-Frame Worth It?

Back in the days of film cameras, 35 mm film was pretty well ubiquitous. We all used it. It was called 35 mm film because each strip took exposures that were 35 mm wide. It was actually considered small film in its time, and most professional photographers used larger format film. When digital came along,… Continue reading Is Full-Frame Worth It?

Travel Planning for Photographers

This shot of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge requires a lot of planning. You have to know where to go (it is not obvious) and how to get there (you cannot park a car). It also involves some minor trespassing.

I have been spending the last few weeks planning a trip to Paris. It will be a family vacation, and I plan to take plenty of pictures. In addition to the standard family and tourist pictures, I plan to get up early in the morning before my family is up and engage in some serious… Continue reading Travel Planning for Photographers

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Take the Obvious Shot

Sometimes when we approach a given scene with our camera in our hands there is an obvious shot. You know, that shot of the front of the building. Or the straight on shot of the scene before us. Sometimes we take that shot, but sometimes we don’t. I mean, sometimes that shot is just so… Continue reading Take the Obvious Shot

All About Polarizing Filters

These pictures were taken a few seconds apart. The photo on the left was taken with a polarizing filter; the photo on the right without.

You need very few filters in modern digital photography. One you should get, however, is a polarizing filter. Why? They just make your photos look a lot better coming out of the camera in many situations. They are a simple way to: make the skies in your pictures a deeper, richer blue make certain colors in… Continue reading All About Polarizing Filters

The Critical Importance of Composition in Photography

I will start this article by stating my belief that composition is the most important aspect of photography. I don’t think composition is “an” important part of photography.  I think it is “the” most important aspect. It is what we should all spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about. We Worry About Everything But… Continue reading The Critical Importance of Composition in Photography

Do’s and Don’t’s for Converting Your Photos to Black and White

Some people love black and white photography, and they take all their pictures as black and whites. For many others, however, it is an often overlooked advantage of digital photography.  You can make any color picture you want into a black and white.  In the film days, you were stuck with whatever sort of film… Continue reading Do’s and Don’t’s for Converting Your Photos to Black and White

7 Ways to Remove People from Your Travel Photos

The original photo had more people in in. I removed them using a few different techniques from this article. My camera was propped on the railing and I waited for a time when there were less people. I also used a long exposure, which removed the people that were moving. Finally, when I was in front of my computer, I put my clone stamp tool to work.

All too often, when you visit a place that you want to photograph, others have had the same idea. That means there are likely to be a lot of people milling about the place you are trying to photograph. It messes up your picture. There are things you can do about this though.  In fact,… Continue reading 7 Ways to Remove People from Your Travel Photos

Categorized as Travel