Lightroom HDR

Example of a Lightroom HDR photo, using the same photos as used for our other HDR processing. It gets points for realism, but it is the worst HDR processing of any used.

If you already have Lightroom and you are not going to buy any other HDR software, you can still apply some HDR processing to your photos. Lightroom has a built in HDR feature. It is not talked about much because: it is not very good, and you have little control over the result. In fact,… Continue reading Lightroom HDR

Creating Realistic HDR Photos Using Photoshop

This is the same photo used in other HDR tutorials. This example shows it after it was tone mapped using Photoshop and a basic Lightroom edit.

You should not overlook using Photoshop to create HDR photos. First of all, it is software you likely already have,so it costs you nothing. Further, it does a really good job of tone mapping your pictures. In fact, perhaps the most realistic HDR photos are created using Photoshop. Tone mapping with Photoshop is extremely simple.… Continue reading Creating Realistic HDR Photos Using Photoshop

Q&A: How to Get Sharper Photos

On the left is the original picture (cropped) to see the hawk better. To the right is the photo with some processing to make the hawk stand out.

I received a question from a reader about how to make his photos sharper, which I think might apply to a lot of people. With his permission, here is his question and my response: Jim, I am enjoying your interesting and helpful articles on outdoor photography.  I am shooting a Canon 30D and enjoy using my… Continue reading Q&A: How to Get Sharper Photos

A Process for Working the Scene: Sketching

My final picture, taken after a series of sketches (below)

Some photographers never carry a tripod. It slows them down and gets in their way. Other photographers always shoot from a tripod. These photographers usually prefer being slowed down, and are very precise about the pictures they take. If you are one of these types of photographers, this article isn’t for you. Rather, this article… Continue reading A Process for Working the Scene: Sketching

Take the Obvious Shot

Sometimes when we approach a given scene with our camera in our hands there is an obvious shot. You know, that shot of the front of the building. Or the straight on shot of the scene before us. Sometimes we take that shot, but sometimes we don’t. I mean, sometimes that shot is just so… Continue reading Take the Obvious Shot

The Critical Importance of Composition in Photography

I will start this article by stating my belief that composition is the most important aspect of photography. I don’t think composition is “an” important part of photography.  I think it is “the” most important aspect. It is what we should all spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about. We Worry About Everything But… Continue reading The Critical Importance of Composition in Photography

Do’s and Don’t’s for Converting Your Photos to Black and White

Some people love black and white photography, and they take all their pictures as black and whites. For many others, however, it is an often overlooked advantage of digital photography.  You can make any color picture you want into a black and white.  In the film days, you were stuck with whatever sort of film… Continue reading Do’s and Don’t’s for Converting Your Photos to Black and White